Adolph McQueen
U.S. Army

Adolph McQueen was born in Saginaw in 1950. He enlisted in the Marine Corps before joining the US Army Reserve as a commissioned officer. McQueen’s military service spanned more than four decades and numerous Army Reserve units – in three states, and on three continents. His served in support of Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm, Operation Enduring Freedom at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and in support of Operation New Dawn in Iraq. McQueen served in a variety of administrative and command positions, in support, training, and military police units, leading to increasingly challenging tours, culminating as the Deputy Commanding General for Detention Operations and as the Provost Marshal General for United States Forces – Iraq. General McQueen’s Army Reserve duty also allowed him to serve in various civilian law enforcement capacities over 30 years, concluding with his final assignment as the Special Agent Supervisor with the Michigan Department of the Attorney General.