Carol Hebert

Carol Hebert was born in 1961, in Glen Falls, New York. She enlisted in the Army in 1979 and rose to the rank of sergeant. Her service in the Army Transportation Corps included postings at Fort Eustis, Virginia and Fort Davis, Panama. After leaving active duty in 1992, she became a Michigan resident, joined the Michigan Army National Guard in 1994 and served until 2005, thus completing a twenty-four-year military career. From 2010-2019, Carol studied at Kaplan University, Kirkland Community College, and Northwestern Michigan College, with a focus on Early Childhood Education, Business Administration, and Accounting. hankful for her prior life experiences, Carol dedicated herself to continue serving veterans. She has served on the State of Michigan’s Volunteer Defence Force, the Veterans Affairs Agency Advisory Board, and currently serves on the Michigan Veterans Trust Fund Board of Directors.
She is a member of the American Veterans (AMVETS) organization, and has served in numerous positions, including the Michigan AMVETS Veterans Suicide Prevention Committee, and served as Executive Director, and Michigan AMVETS’ first female State Commander.
At the national level, Carol has served as National AMVETS Sons’ Coordinator, and currently serves as AMVETS’ National Programs Director. She has also coordinated Veterans Day programs for Baraga Area Schools for seven years, to increase awareness of and recognition for area veterans by encouraging participation of area youth, including elementary and high school student councils, high school band members, Boy Scout and Girl Scout troops, and elementary and high school faculty and staff who are veterans.