Catherine Farrell
Army National Guard

Catherine Farrell was born in Dexter, Michigan, and joined the Army in 1987. A military policeman, she served at Ft. Bliss, Texas, and, after transferring to the Army Reserve, with the 303rd MP Company in Jackson. Numerous leadership positions followed with various units. Farrell transferred to the Michigan Army National Guard in 1997, where her career progression continued. Assignments in the Guard included non-commissioned officer and Command Sergeant Major positions with Public Affairs units, Military Police units, the 125th Infantry Regiment, and at Joint Force Headquarters in Lansing. In 2001, Farrell deployed in support of Stabilization Force Bosnia and Herzegovina. Subsequent overseas tours included deployments supporting the Multinational Force and Observers Mission, and Operation Enduring Freedom (to Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay, Cuba). She is the first female to become the State Command Sergeant Major for the Michigan Army National Guard, prior to retiring in 2021.