Vince Patton
U.S. Coast Guard

Vince Patton, of Alexandria, Virginia, was born in Detroit, Michigan on November 21, 1954. He graduated from Detroit Cass Tech High School in 1972, with a BA degree in Communications from Pacific College in Angwin, California in 1976. Vince earned a MS degree in Counseling Psychology with Loyola University at Chicago, Illinois in 1979. Patton received his EdD degree from American University at Washington, D.C. in 1984. He obtained a M.Th. degree for Applied Religious Studies thru the Graduate Theological Union in 2004. Vince joined the U.S. Coast Guard at Detroit on April 10, 1972.
“I have had the privilege and honor to serve with Vince Patton at various times in my Coast Guard career. Vince sets the leadership bar with his knowledge and respect. He has attained the Master Chief Petty Officer of the Coast Guard position. A position that he earned through his hard work, and respect from all.”
—T. Craig Slater
Patton completed basic training at the USCG Training Center Cap May, New Jersey and graduated from follow-on Radioman School at USCG Training Center at Petaluma, California in February 1973. He served stateside in Illinois, Michigan, New York, Ohio, Texas, Virginia, Washington and in Washington, D.C. Significant assignments were as Command Senior Enlisted Advisor, Joint Task Force 160 in Haiti and Cuba; Command Master Chief, Coast Guard Area Atlantic Area, Portsmouth 1995-1998 and “Master Chief Petty Officer of the Coast Guard” in Washington, D.C. 1998-2002. Vince has qualifications of expert marksmanship with the M16 rifle and .45 caliber pistol, Cutterman insignia and Basic Parachutist Badge. Master Chief Petty Officer Patton retired from the Coast Guard on November 1, 2002, with service as radioman, yeoman and senior enlisted advisor. He was awarded a Distinguished Service Medal, two Meritorious Service Medals, three Commendation Medals and three Achievement Medals. Several leadership positions included: President and Chief Executive Officer, Warriors4Wireless; President, Non-Commissioned Officers Association; Executive Director, AFCEA Foundation; Executive Director, Halley’s Comet Foundation; Senior Vice President, NewDay USA and a Managing Partner, Pinnacle Five LLC. Vince has life memberships in American Veterans, American Legion, Coast Guard Combat Veterans Association, Coast Guard Petty Officers Association, Fleet Reserve Association, Navy League, Retired Enlisted Association and U.S. Naval Institute. Patton has interests of American and maritime history, Jazz music, classic movies, early television shows, travel and Detroit sports.
“Vince had a rare skill of motivating people to be “on fire” for the cause or mission. He combined that with genuine caring and knowledge. I would work for him anytime. Respect is earned.”
—Retired Captain Susanne Caviness